Year 4
Welcome to our Year 4 page. More information will follow shortly.
Teachers: 4H - Mrs Horton and 4K - Mr Kean
Additional Teacher: Mrs O'Brien
Support Staff: Mr Mahmood, Miss Greenhalgh
Key information
Our PE days are:
4H - Indoor: Wednesday, Outdoor: Monday
4K - Swimming: Friday (children can wear PE kit to school on swimming days)
Please ensure that you are wearing the correct PE uniform for these days.
Autumn 1: How have children’s lives changed?
Autumn 2: Where does our food come from?
Spring 1: Why are rainforests important to us?
Spring 2: How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain?
Summer 1: What are rivers and how are they used?
Summer 2: How did the Maya civilisation compare to the Anglo Saxons?