Year 3
Welcome to our Year 3 page. More information will follow shortly.
Teachers: 3J - Mr Jacques (Lower Key Stage 2 Leader) and 3N - Miss Nagy
Support Staff: Miss Asha, Miss Ingles
Key information
Our PE days are:
3J - Indoor: Tuesday, Outdoor: Wednesday
3N - Indoor: Tuesday, Outdoor: Wednesday
.Please ensure that you are wearing the correct PE uniform for these days.
Autumn 1: Would you like to live in the Stone Age, Iron Age or Bronze Age?
Autumn 2: Why do people live near volcanoes?
Spring 1: What did the ancient Egyptians believe?
Spring 2: Who lives in Antarctica?
Summer 1: Why did the Romans settle in Britain?
Summer 2: Are all settlements the same?
This term's Medium Term Plan
Previous Medium Term Plans