Spotland Primary School

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Year 1

Welcome to our Year 1 page. More information will follow shortly.  


Teachers: 1B - Mrs Bland (Key Stage 1 Lead) and 1L - Miss Lowe 

Additional Teacher: Mrs Shaw

Support Staff: Mrs Wellens, Miss Scanlon, Mrs Siddiqui, Miss McLeod, Miss Barnes, Mrs Minhas, Ms Cowling




 Key information


Our PE days are:

1B - Indoor: Friday, Outdoor: Monday

1LIndoor: FridayOutdoor: Thursday


Please ensure that you are wearing the correct PE uniform for these days.


Autumn 1: What was it like here?

Autumn 2: How am I making History?

Spring 1: What is the weather like in the UK?

Spring 2: How toys have changed?

Summer 1: What is it like to live in Shanghai?

Summer 2: How explorers have changed the world?



This term's Medium Term Plan

Year 1 MTP Spring 2 2025

Previous Medium Term Plans

Year 1 MTP Spring 1 2025

The children will follow the Little Wandle Phonics Scheme.