Spotland Primary School

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Reporting and Assessment

Reports to Parents

We will send home one end of year report which will be sent home during the Summer Term 2.

Parents' Evenings

Face to face meetings with your child’s class teacher is an essential aspect of the reporting process and help to maintain excellent home-school relationships. We hold our meetings during the Autumn Term 2 and also Spring Term 2. These are to provide parents with an opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss specific progress and achievements in individual subjects.


At Spotland Primary School we regularly assess the children using formative and summative assessments. Summative assessments are tests carried out in test conditions and formative assessments are ongoing assessments made by teachers from on going knowledge of the child, observations and marking. By tracking children’s progress, it allows us to recognise their achievements and identify areas that need further focus and support.

Formal Assessments

Although we regularly review the progress of children within the classroom, there is also a statutory requirement for children to be assessed at different times in their school life.

In EYFS all children are assessed within the first six weeks of starting school.

In Year 1 all children are assessed using the National Phonics Screening Test which will identify attainment against national standards and where further support is needed. Those who do not meet the nationally – determined pass mark will retake the test in Year 2. These assessments take place in June.

In Year 2, children will complete the optional end off Key Stage 1 national curriculum tests. This enables us to benchmark their progress against national standards. These tests take place in June.

In Year 4, children are required to sit a multiplication test, to assess their knowledge of times tables. This test takes place in June.

In Year 6, all pupils sit tests in Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, and Maths, in order to benchmark their progress against national standards. These tests take place in May and are marked externally. Writing is assessed by school staff but it is also moderated with other local schools and with the Local Authority Advisers. Science is also assessed using a combination of ongoing assessments and standardised assessments.

Spotland Primary School works very hard to ensure that the children are well prepared for the tests, as well as being provided with a broad and balanced curriculum.

As a school we also complete regular ‘end of unit’ assessments in Maths from Year 1 – Year 6.

In Years 3 – 5 we also complete termly NFER assessments in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.